Issue Position: Public Safety

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018

Public safety is the number one responsibility of government. As a police officer, I understand the need to protect our families and our communities. If you can't feel safe in your own home, where can you feel safe? Children must feel safe in school and families must feel safe at home.

It is critical that our first responders are given the tools they need to protect our neighborhoods. As Enumclaw City Councilman, I voted to strengthen the police department by adding police officers and I have been a strong supporter of Fire District 28.

The cycle of gun violence starts with property crime. Keeping guns out of the hands of those who shouldn't have them and enforcing our current gun laws is imperative. We don't need new gun laws we just need to enforce the laws we already have. And we must continue to address the increasing mental health issues we have in our state so those who need it get help and they don't harm others
